
Digital Vibrance Settings

A long time ago, after Sweetfx stopped working (Valve has added a signature to Sweetfx files, so it is no longer vac-safe), many CS2 players began to wonder how to create a bright, saturated, dark-element-free, colorful image.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to repeat the Sweetfx effect, because this program uses special graphics presets which give you the advantage of seeing enemies much easier. But there is a possibility to create a similar image.

These settings are recommended by our employees, who are involved in cs2 boost.

To get the best image, you will need the Digital Vibrance or Saturation setting, which is available in the nVidia, AMD, and Intel Graphics driver. If you don't have them, download them online, get the latest version from your GPU vendor's website, and then launch the installation app.

Everything is very simple — you manually adjust the level of saturation from 50 to 100, and, depending on the value set, the output image regains brighter and stronger colors. The image will look different, play with the toggle switch and choose a value that suits you, then click save.

NVIDIA Digital Vibrance settings

AMD Saturation settings

Intel HD Graphics Color Enhancement

Intel Graphics and Media Control Panel Saturation

But notice, that you get higher color intensity even in the Windows itself. The image will be saturated not only in the CS2 but also, for example, in the browser. If you want the image to remain saturated only in the CS 2 or any other Steam desktop game, run the Vibrancegui application.

Vibrancegui setup

A slight configuration of this tool will allow having a saturated image only in the Counter-Strike 2 — At the start of the game, the program automatically changes the monitor image intensity.