Accounts / CS2 Account Global Elite
CS2 Account Global Elite

Pre-order, expected delivery time - up to 15 business days, with Prime and Private Rank 2. Includes steam and original e-mail details. 10+ Wins, 2500 Hours.

Best Seller
Manual Delivery

After purchasing this product you will receive the following:

  • Steam login and password
  • Original e-mail address and password
  • Receipt or Gift Code we used to buy Prime

WARNING! The accounts you can find in our store are mostly used to try yourself at a new skill level, the account warranty is valid for 1 week from the date of purchase. In that case, if you got a permanent ban on an account you haven't played on, we are committed to issuing a replacement. We do not buy or resell other people's accounts. All accounts are made directly by the Eloboss team. This way we guarantee a safe future for your steam account - you do not have to worry about the account you are buying. Since the steam accounts we sell have secure payment history - you can make it your main account or test yourself on a new level without fear of losing your account. This account can also be used on Faceit, ESEA or Esportal instantly.