BlogTFTTFT Ranks, Teamfight Tactics Ranked Distribution in Order

TFT Ranks, Teamfight Tactics Ranked Distribution in Order

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Whether you're new to Teamfight Tactics or a seasoned player returning after a break, you must understand the TFT ranks and the current ranked distribution to climb up the ladder in the game quickly.

Before we start, if you're constantly losing and having difficulty with LP gains whenever you play ranked, consider TFT boost for a change.

Teamfight Tactics Ranked System Explained

all ranks in tft

If you've played League of Legends, the ranking system in TFT is the same as in League of Legends. A player's rank starts from Bronze and Iron and goes to Grandmaster and Challenger. Following is the complete breakdown of TFT ranks:

  • Iron
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Diamond
  • Master
  • Grandmaster
  • Challenger

Each rank has four divisions, excluding Master and up, and to progress from one tier division to the subsequent division, you need 100 LP. LP stands for League Points, the currency that gets you ranked within the rank. You gain LP by winning games and ranking in the top four in a game; you lose LP by ranking in the bottom four. For example, as a low-elo player, getting the fourth place will give you at least 10 LP, and it scales from there with better placements.

This TFT-ranked system extends to masters, and the only way to reach the grandmaster and challenger is for players to give their absolute best. Admittedly, the number of these top players depends on the number of players on each server.

Once a player reaches a new tier, they cannot be demoted below that tier; thus, if a player goes to Diamond, they can lose 100 games after at 0 LP Diamond 4 and still be considered a Diamond-ranked player. The only caveat they need to concern themselves with is that their MMR will drop, meaning they will gain less LP for every win and more for every loss since they cannot be demoted at that point.

However, there is no promotional series in TFT matches. You get promoted to the next tier once you reach 100 LP in a rank, with one exception being the Master and above tiers.

Does LP Scale Infinitely With Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger TFT Ranks?

When you reach Master, know there is no limit to LP for players in Master and above as LP scales infinitely. Professional level players in Master and above do not look for a certain LP cap. However, they are instead looking for a numerical value in rank, with only the differentiation of how many players else are above or below them as to what tier they are.

An LP floor exists that sets the minimum LP threshold required to receive Grandmaster and Challenger. However, there is a limit to how many available placements exist for Grandmaster and Challenger per region, which affects the minimum LP threshold. Additionally, based on player performance data, the LP threshold to qualify for Grandmaster and Challenger gets recalculated every 24 hours.

How Ranked Reset Works in TFT

Whenever Riot Games releases a new expansion, there is a hard rank reset down to Iron; however, the MMR stays the same. Although a player might get into harder lobbies due to a hard reset to Iron, they will have way faster gains in placing well.

For mid-set updates, players only face a soft reset to one entire tier below their end rank. For example, in the last mid-set update, any player who finished Set 9 in Diamond 1 got pushed back to Platinum 1. For players with a Master tier or above, they will automatically be placed in Diamond 4.

How to Reach Master Rank and Above in TFT?

how to get master in tft

Play Regularly

One of the most common mistakes that most players make is that they don't play regularly. In TFT, a sure way to climb up the TFT ranks ladder is to play consistently. This is necessary to avoid LP loss and remain active to ensure one is within the ranked queue system.

Prioritize Teamwork

Teamwork paves the way for victory and a positive game result in TFT since it’s a team game. If you let your team know what you're doing, such as scouting, and what you find out about other potential threats, you can all support each other in leveling up. This need to team up, especially players below the Gold rank, with a full party is a strategic move to secure the highest chances for success.

Character Knowledge

A key aspect that sets the highest-ranking players apart is their collective grasp of champion abilities and knowledge of how different compositions interact. This allows them to deviate from their comfort picks and use more sophisticated comps suited to a particular stage in any TFT match.

Master Scaling Ability

Scaling is an advanced concept in the TFT ranked system and matches. Many players know when their comp's power spikes and change their strategy accordingly. Scaling means knowing when to level up, roll for champs, and transition to another comp in TFT matches.

Ranked Queue Restrictions in Teamfight Tactics

Everyone under the Master rank can queue with 1 division below and 1 division above their rank. So, if you're in Silver II, you can queue with an Iron II or Gold II player. However, Masters and above-ranking players can queue with anyone if it's still within the limitation of 400 LP from their LP. Please note that this does not include diamond players.

Riot Games Hyper Roll Game Mode in TFT

Hyper Roll in Riot Games' TFT is a quicker version of the standard game for swift plays. Little Legends start with 20 health, taken upon loss, with health doing compounded damage over time. The economic system is also different, as players gain gold irrespective of streaks since there ARE no streaks. Furthermore, the game's progression features fewer stages per progression and shorter planning time to start. Finally, the ranked system in the hyper roll game mode also differs; it has a separate ranked one with Grey, Green, Blue, Purple, and Hyper Tiers and ranked rewards for how many tier placements you achieve by the end of each set.

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